Blogs – May 2020

May 22-25, 2020

Not much shooting this weekend however I did find a something unique.  A mink in a tree!  This mink was in a hollow crevice about 15 feet up in the side of a pine tree.  Unfortunately he was on the shady side in low light so was not able to get sharp detail, but the cute factor makes up for it.


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May 22-25, 2020

Weather was not overly cooperative for the first part of the weekend with a lack of quality (morning/evening) sunlight.  Sunday evening and Monday morning provided much better light.  I was able to get a couple of nice eagle shots Monday morning.


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May 15-16, 2020

Shots from this Friday and Saturday at Ludington State Park.  This first image is a new species for me.  It was shot just west of the dam in the marshy area.


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